Chip Title: Increase the uptake of RMNCH Services in the post EVD outbreak in the Portloko district; Sierra Leone
Participant(s): Dr Santigie Sesay
Alhassan Fouard Kanu
Leslie Williams
Organization: Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Sierra Leone
Year: 2015
Country: Sierra Leone
Region: Western_Africa

Presentation (PDF) Increase-the-uptake-of-RMNCH-Services-in-the-post-EVD-outbreak.pdf



MoHS - Sierra Leone


The Ministry of Health and Sanitation(MoHS) believe that access to sound health is a human right, and is committed to improve health outcomes of the citizenry through the delivery of quality preventative, promotive and curative health services

External Analysis

The Solution: Your CHIP

The reduced utilization of health facilities was largely as a result of negative rumours of the EVD, mutual fear between patients and health workers and poor facilities for infection prevention and control (IPC).
These have impacted negatively on the health outcomes of, especially the vulnerable women and children (a decline in the uptake of reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) services).

This CHIP interventions in resolving the problem of low uptake of RMNCH services will include:

Goals and Objectives

To promote demand creation for RMNCH services in the post EVD in Sierra Leone

Long term objective:
Achieved pre-EVD status of the targeted RMNCH indicators in the CHIP communities by August 2016

Short term objective 1:
IPC systems in place in 80% of health facilities by August 2016

Short term objective 2:
By end of the project, 90% of the CHIP communities reached and sensitized on EVD containment measures and RMNCH messages.


    1. Number of health staff trained on IPC
    2. % of health facilities with requisite materials for IPC
    3. Attendance rates on RMNCH services
    4. Number of community sensitization meetings held
    5. Number of slots aired in community radio stations on RMNCH and EVD messages
    6. Proportion of communities reached with RMNCH and EVD messages

Lessons Learned