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Chip Title: Coptic Church Hospital CHIP
Participant(s): Bishoy Fekry Abdou
Organization: Coptic Church Hospital
Year: 2011
Country: Zambia
Region: Southern_Africa

Presentation (PDF)

CHIP Plan (PDF) View_CHIP_for_Bishoy_Abdou.pdf


Goal & Objective


Select a Goal for your CHIP.

To expand organization in respect of number of patient and quality of services.


Select a SMART Outcome Objective for the above CHIP Goal.

Increase capacity of patient serve on daily baises from 80-120/day by sept 2012


Select a SMART Process Objective for the above CHIP Goal.

Expand financial budget by 20% by May 2012.


SMART Objectives associated with your CHIP.


Process Objective: Expand financial budget by 20% by May 2012.


Outcome Objective: Increase capacity of patient serve on daily baises from 80-120/day by sept 2012


What are the baseline values of these measures, if available?


Baseline for Process Objective:

Currently 100% expanding to 120%


Baseline for Outcome Objective:

Currently 80 patient per day.

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