Chip Title: Increasing access of HIV and SRH information and services to female domestic workers in Kasarani, location of Nairobi Kenya
Participant(s): Daniel Koma
Inviolata Njoroge
Organization: LVCT Health
Year: 2015
Country: Kenya
Region: Eastern_Africa

Presentation (PDF)



About The Organization

LVCT Health is an indigenous Kenyan non-governmental and not-for-profit organization established in 2001. LVCT Health aims at contributing towards the reduction of new HIV infections to zero through offering integrated HIV services and developing innovative models that are scaled up at county and national levels

Current Mission

To use research, capacity improvement and policy reforms action for equitable HIV, sexual and reproductive health services to reach the most vulnerable.

Proposed New Mission

To use research, capacity improvement and policy reforms action for equitable HIV, sexual and reproductive health services to reach the most vulnerable.

Program Goal Statement 

Provision of SRH services to female domestic workers in Kasarani, Nairobi Kenya.

Long Term Outcome Smart Objective

To provide access to SRH services to 50 female domestic workers in Kasarani by August 2016