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Chip Title: Reducing and preventing early/unwanted pregnancy among teenagers in Nyarugenge District, Kigali City
Participant(s): UWINSHUTI FRATERNE Zephyrin
HIGO Carine
Organization: Community Development CORPS
Year: 2017
Country: Rwanda
Region: Eastern_Africa

Presentation (PDF)



Current Mission

Our purposeful calling shall be devoted to promoting, building stronger and sustainable communities over three thematic areas: health, wealth and education through training, research, advocacy and support.

New Proposed Mission

To improve health, education and economic status of youth in Rwanda, through training, research advocacy and support.

GAP Analysis

Description Of Current State Description Of Desired Future State
1. High teenage pregnancy resulting from inadequate knowledge on sexual reproductive health among teenage • Reduced teenage pregnancy
• Increased knowledge on sexual reproductive health among teenage
• Improved community
2. High maternal & child mortality among teenage as result of low antenatal attendance and that has the impact on high number of death resulting from unsafe abortion and complications. cashiers who are overworked and demotivated 1. Reducing maternal-child death and preventing unwanted pregnancy among teenage mothers.
2. contributing in reducing complications of unsafe abortion in teenager
3. Restrictive cultural believe and practices that hindering family support and parental guidance to the youth on sexual reproductive health issues • Raised awareness
• Improved parents-child relationship and behavioral change towards sexual reproductive health.


Project Selection

Selected Problem Area Primary Focus Area Description of Your Solution
Reducing and preventing unwanted pregnancy among teenagers in Nyarugenge District, Kigali City. Improvement in health outcomes

Reducing teenage pregnancy by increasing knowledge on sexual reproductive health and contraceptive methods, through health education in communities.
Reducing maternal and child death, unsafe abortion and complications by encouraging antenatal care attendance

Raising awareness on prevention of teenagers from engaging in any lost form of sexual reproductive health practices
Raising awareness and encouraging parents to invest in their children education and to create a friendly SRH environment.
Empowering community health work on SRH intending to help teenage mothers and parents and avoid stigma.


Program Goal Statement

Reduced early/unwanted pregnancy among teenagers by educating them about sexual reproductive health and contraceptive method in Nyarugenge District, Kigali city in Rwanda.

Long Term OUTCOME Smart Objective

To reduce early/unwanted teenage pregnancy in Nyarugenge District from 10% % to 5% among teenagers in Rwanda by 2020

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