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Chip Title: Reduce the Transmission of HIV/AIDS and STIs and Mitigate the Personal Effects of AIDS within the RDF
Participant(s): Ahmed Abajobir
Eugene Sangano
Organization: Rwanda Military Hospital
Year: 2010
Country: Rwanda
Region: Eastern_Africa

Presentation (PDF)

CHIP Plan (PDF) reduce-the-transmission-of-hiv-aids-and-stis-and-mitigate-the-personal-effects-of-aids-within-the-rdf.pdf


Current mission statement

To enhance the capacity of the Rwandan Defense Force (RDF) ( through provision of technical, financial and logistics support) to prevent HIV and provide high quality care and treatment services to people living with HIV/AIDS in Rwanda. 


Capacity building in HIV prevention (VCT, PMTCT, BCC) ARV treatment and adherence support, Psychosocial care and support), male circumcision services with-in the RDF and communities living around the RDF facilities 

Revised Mission Statement.

To enhance the capacity of the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) to prevent HIV and provide high quality care and treatment to its members who are infected and affected by HIV/AIDS through through provision of technical, financial and logistics support, collaboration and networking with other players in a respectable and accountable way.


  • To build the capacity of RDF for leadership and management of high quality, evidence-based, sustainable HIV/AIDS health programs 
  • To reduce the transmission of HIV/AIDS and STIs and mitigate the personal effects of AIDS within the RDF


  • By end of the year 2011, The 8 (100%) RDF facilities will demonstrate the capacity to deliver comprehensive HIV/AIDS services according to the national and international standards.
  • By end of 2011, all RDF medical facilities will provide comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention and care services to additional 30% of RDF personnel and their family members who need the services 

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